molly in the media
Molly in the Media
More writing on food for athletes:
An article by vegan ultra marathon runner Scott Jurek. super PRO.
Interesting dialogue on veg vs. meat and muscle.
Molly mentioned alongside other notable vegan PROs.
Molly fit Brett Luelling for his custom Desalvo cyclocross bike:
Brett had an appointment for his new Buy Local – Desalvo cyclocross bike!
NYC Velo 5 points:
Brief interview with MC. Looks like we are turning it up to 11 this season.
Sven Nys book review! Molly is like Sven!
The MC can do a tree wheelie too.
Ever had a WWMCD moment?
What would Molly Cameron do?
One of my favorite photos of Molly from a personal blog:
Lots of cx nationals photos from Yakima racks:
Dylan and company have some great black and white shots from Cyclocross Nationals. A couple good MC shots.
Some great slow motion video from Nationals:
A few shots of the Molly Cameron in the 30+ race.